Can't remember as a little kid doing modelling every building or painting a tank (probably out of my pocket money range)
So I bought a couple of cheap T34 tanks from a member of the Military Modelling forum, to have a go.
They build up very nicely, but could do with a lot of modification if you wanted accuracy, but as this was a painting exercise I wasn't bothered about that.
There are many ways to paint vehicles, the main (or popular at present) two methods are Colour Modulation and Preshading.
Colour Modulation is done by gradually lightening the areas of the tank.
Pre shading is done by painting the panel lines and joins and around the main areas prior to painting the main colour.
As I had two tanks and two methods of painting them, I decided to do one of each.
Anyway to stop boring you with loads of photos of the process I'll just show the end results (so far)
The one on the left is colour modulation and the one on the right pre shading.
They have had a filter applied (a thin layer of oil paint) and a pin wash (again a thin layer of oil paint, but just outlining the detail).